One of the worst movies ever made
I can't believe the 6.5 rating. Gwenyth must have voted 10 on 10 a thousand times to get it that high.
I can't believe the 6.5 rating. Gwenyth must have voted 10 on 10 a thousand times to get it that high.
Yeah, spell her name correctly. Why the hell would Gwyneth come to IMDB! This movie is so underrated, it's not the worst movie ever made, what worst is you!
share1.Too linear too predictable plot
2.The characters are shallow.He's just eternally in love we know nothing else about him. She is just naughty and scared and we dont know anything else about her.The grandmother is semi-crazy but we dont know anything else about her.
Is that reasonable character development?
3.The plot is romantic but in a silly pseudo-poetical way like Moulin Rouge
not like Atonement or The notebook.
4.What really is the worst s the palaiolithic obsolete direction with super slow-motions sucky use of lighting and romantic-songs. Reminds me of my grandfather.
5. There are major plot flaws just to keep the movie going. You know he just revisited the old lady for no reason. Or DeNiro showed up randomly. So did his friend from old times. Just unjustified random scenes.
WHAT? Did you pay attention to the movie at all? Nobody shows up "randomly." What do you mean we know nothing about the crazy old lady? The love of her life left her at the altar! "He's just eternally in love" --well clearly you've never been in love, or that would've made sense to you.
And don't compare something based on DICKENS to something based on the notebook. Really.
Word Greenleaf. Seriously. I feel bad for people that did not love this movie. They obviously have not lived. :)
sharethis movie is poor.. makes no sense form beginning to end... As someone said, totally random.
I feel bad for ignorant people who have no idea how great the original novel is and how brilliant and faithful the 1946 David Lean movie is - everyone is entitled to their opinion but this 1998 version is a travesty - they butcher the great story of the original and in trying to modernize it and "hip" it up - they destroy it. (And in my humble opinion, this is the only bad movie Cauron the director has ever made - in fact, he did a nice job with a lousy script)
shareYou know man, in some sense it is pretty realistic.
Some people are just stupidly in love; they're blinded by it and seem like almost one-note versions of themselves. And some girls (and guys) are simply too scared (or "naughty", haha) to think hard about things, so they just plug away through life indifferent or uncaring.
I don't think it's pseudo-poetical; I do think it is poetic, and there was a strong emphasis on the thematic elements of the book from which the movie was drawn. Atonement was a great film in its own right; the Notebook was a sappy love story.
I thought it was shot well, and the plot was sufficiently explained.
And the score is fantastic.
I loved it.
The character development is lacking in a HUGE way. I never got the feeling that I cared one bit about any of the characters.
"And the score is fantastic." Uhh, yes if you like mostly 90's music, how does returning to 90's music represent the changes in time periods as the main character grows older, IT DOESN'T.
There are several problems with this film, if you like it enough to ignore them then good for you.
You are complaining about the score being 90's music. I think you are confusing the score with the soundtrack. The score could be considered 90's as it was composed in the 90's. Before you spout off at the mouth and make yourself look stupid maybe you should know what you're talking about.