Chuckie at the interview

This is a scene that should have been left on the cutting-room floor -- when Chuckie goes to the interview in Will's place and intentionally bungles it (per Will's instructions, obviously).

Given the fact that he tells Will later that he hopes every day that Will will better himself and take a job in which he can use his gifts, that whole thing just made no sense at all, and it didn’t fit in with the tone of the rest of the film. It just felt too “wacky comedy.” Bad move to leave it in -- it takes me out of the film every time I see it.


Reeeettaiiiiner, retainer! I love that scene.


In a different movie, sure. But in this one, it was incomprehensible.


It plays as comedy, but when we learn what Chuckie really thinks, it demonstrates the level of Chuckie's loyalty as a friend.

He'll do what Will asks, even if he doesn't think it's what Will needs.


That's the best, concise answer 'trans'. I don't believe the OP got the gist of the relationship between the two friends.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


It's a great scene!


I thought it was hilarious. To this day, my best friend and I still use the catchphrase "YOU'RE SUSPECT!" we don't trust someone, lol.

But I do agree that it doesn't really fit with the rest of the film. My main issue with it is that it makes Chuckie out to be a jerk. I mean, he's essentially robbing the men interviewing him even though they hadn't done anything wrong and were just offering Will a job. Chuckie wasn't very bright, but he also didn't strike me as the type who would steal from people who hadn't wronged him or his friends. Until that day, gentlemen, keep your ear to the grindstone.
