MovieChat Forums > The Game (1997) Discussion > The childhood footage was amazingly well...

The childhood footage was amazingly well done

Normally when they try to make vintage looking footage it falls short.

But everything was done well. I felt like I was looking into the past, looking at the late 1950s.

The clowns were particularly scary, as vintage clowns are.

The father didn't look like a man from the 90s, he did look and send the vibe of a man from the 50s.

For a small part of the movie they didn't go cheap either. Well done.


I agree.
David Fincher has a real way of evoking the mood of a film with his opening sequences, many of which are purely done with visual montages and atmospheric music.
I love this film and have watched it many times.
Michael Douglas is so good in this one.


Sadly it will never have the impact of the first viewing.


Ha, ha - so true.
Whilst others on here have said they think the last 10 mins is lacking, I remember being blown away when I first watched this (way) back in 1998 or so.
I still love the scene where all the ‘extras’ are in the staff cafeteria and of course the big finish with the glass ceiling/ party reveal.


Fincher did the exact same in Benjamin Button; there's a few scenes in that movie shot in the style of movies made in the 1910s/20's/30's.
