Peter and Paul Theory
I watched Funny Games U.S. after having watched Funny Games for the first time last month. It was an utterly boring and tedious experience.
Nevertheless, it did give me time to develop a theory on Peter and Paul.
Based on Haneke's apparent disdain for American cinema the theory is this: Peter and Paul are supposed to represent American corporate studio executives - the kind who make the film instead of the writers and directors; they say, "you need to have this and that in the film, (the 'entertainment value, the 'plot development', the nudity) some of these, a lot of that, none of this etc" - basically controlling the content of the film from their office chair, ticking the boxes to put bums on seats, please the audience and make the maximum amount of money possible.
When the family - the director or other cast and crew - disobey their demands, they are reined in (when Anne doesn't play their game, they punish George) and Peter and Paul get everything their own way (remote control scene)
Basically it's more of Haneke attacking mindless blockbuster filmmaking.
Those are just a few examples, though there will inevitably be more that could apply. Thoughts?