Lacked a bit in direction
This was a pretty good movie, however I was a bit disappointed in how the movie turned out. I think there was a missed oppurtunity here. The writing in this was great, every scene of dialogue was genuinly interesting and "entertaining" (I dont really enjoy using that word) but in my opinion there could have been a lot more. Especially the direction left me hanging. You these movies that are always "on". That just shine with energie? A few movies come to mind, Goodfellas, Boogie Nights, Casino etc. What sets them appart from your typical gangster movie, is their genius use of music, cinemetography, editing and so on. I didnt fell Mike Newell used his tools enough. A lot of the scenes felt stale. It was pretty much one shot after another but without a certain style. Sure, some may say substance over style, and I agree for the most part. Style is the topping on the cake, and not the main ingrediant, but a gangster movie definitely benefits from some creative shots.