MovieChat Forums > Donnie Brasco (1997) Discussion > in the begining of the movie,,, just won...

in the begining of the movie,,, just wondering

when lefty is talking to that guy in the barbershop and he is asking where donnie is from and who he knows and so on,,,, anyone notice that when he gets out to get donnie he says "Hey JOE,,, come here" what is up with that? it makes no sense at all. that guy was most certainly no undercover fed, why does he use JOE's name. i've seen the movie too many times but never figured that out.


I thought he said, "Hey, you! Come in here." I'll check my DVD later today. But he also says, "I dunno, wherever the Dogers have spring training," like he's making it up.

So Jilly was a fed or informer, or Pistone's cover was blown before the film even began. According to what I've read, Pistone was a bar regular for half a year before they would talk to him.


yeah that can be an option, but i've allways thought he said "joe" i think i will also check the dvd again. the way i look at it, it just makes no sense whatsoever. but if he say's "you" instead of "joe" then case closed.
thanks for the reply.

"Hver fest jeg er på er høydepunktet i mitt liv" - raga rockers


You are right. He unquestionably says, "Joe!"

There are some other indicators in the film that they're aware he's FBI. The one I like the best occurs at a particularly intense scene where Donnie and Lefty are returning from the massacre and are fighting. The scene finishes with Lefty telling him, "stop riding the *beeping* brake." That of course is what an agent would do -- in those days I guess -- to assure that his tail car did not lose him.


in my opinion that guy in the barber chair looks like a oldschool mafiaguy, and never crossed my mind that he could be a FBI agent. but even the theory that he is an informant being told to vouch for donnie, and he makes THAT mistake?? calling out to an undercover agent by his real name in front of the guy who is asking about his identity? i dont buy that.
that is the first time he is referred to as "Joe" in front of others .
when it happens again we know the reason.
maybe its a error by the filmakers, i really dont know.
thanks for replying

"Hver fest jeg er på er høydepunktet i mitt liv" - raga rockers


You are right. He unquestionably says, "Joe!"

Sounds like "You!" to me.


if it was a hood movie, the answer is obviously "hey YO! get yo bitchass ovah hear main"
but this is not the case. will we ever know the truth?
maybe someday this question in cinematic history will reach the heights of "what was in the suitcase in pulp fiction?"
or "why the *beep* didnt De Niro get away in HEAT?" he could have gotten away from hannah, and go back and kill waingro after som vacation time, but noo...
guess he couldnt walk out of waingro in 30 seconds flat when he saw the heat around the corner.

anyways, maybe its just a goof (Hey JOOOEEE!!! come here") that the filmakers didnt care about. i dont know

Because I'm so clever,
But clever ain't wise.


Maybe its a blooper. Jilly was a gangster and did not know that Donnie was FBI.


Barbershop guy definitly shouts "hey YOU, c'mere" in a broad New York accent.


Let somebody else in the Field Office have a turn at the computer.


He said "Hey you", and nothing else. That's the beauty with subtitles.


The subtitles can be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. To me it sounds like he says, "Hey, Joe!" The bigger point though is that they all knew who he was before they said the first word to him.

Take a look at the part where Joe and Maggie are in marriage counseling and Maggie criticizes the way Joe speaks. She says he never talked like that before, which means he learned his wiseguy language and accent from Lefty and the crew. If he acquired it from them, then he didn't have it to begin with, and that would have been an immediate indication that he was not of their world. Now of course, Donnie Brasco's narrative was that he was new, but he was also supposed to be a jewel fence, not college educated.


People seem to be forgetting that Joe has already been undercover two years at this stage. Nikki tells lefty he's a connected guy and that's not a reputation you pick up on your first day nor would Lefty have even dreamed of introducing him to the crew without Don the Jeweller being known.

Your's sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


Jilly was Donnie's connection for a while. He was introduced to Jilly through a bartender and Jilly was essentially Donnie's first "Lefty". He was buddies with him and did some "work" for him as well.

Everyone knew Jilly and knew his word was the truth. That is why Lefty went to Jilly to make sure that Donnie wasn't already "claimed" by someone and to make sure Donnie was who he said he was.


I am not english speaking at all and look here : if you tell me that he said "hey joe" then definitely I hear "hey joe" but if you tell me he said "hey you with some accent" then definitely I hear "hey you with some accent" and my logic make me to believe that the man said "hey you with some italian/new york accent".

my passion is my hobby


He says "Hey YOU"!... not "hey JOE".


he says "hey jew..." not joe


He clearly says "Hey, Yo", absolutely not Joe


Just chipping in here. He clearly says "hey you" in a New York accent. I'm from England and I even can tell that, without subtitles!


He says, "Hey, yo, come here".


I saw this post this morning and I immediately downloaded the movie in 1080p with HD audio. I payed close attention and watched the clip more than 10 times. At this point, I believe he is saying "Hey, YOU!".

He says it very sharpy to the point where it almost sounds like "yo" or "Joe". The only other explanation is that the producers made a HUGE mistake. The guy getting a shave in the barber shop was NOT an FBI agent, he was an associate of the mafia and knew Donnie as Donnie, not as Joe Pistone. What's more believable, that the producers made a huge mistake or that an actors line delivery makes one word sound a bit off?

A lot of people thought that Jimmy Hendrix was saying "Excuse me while I kiss this guy". I once thought (and I know I'm not the only one here) that AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" was actually "Dirty Deeds and the Dunder Chief." I don't know what Dunder is, nor why it would need a Chief, but that's what I swore I heard.


I'm from Jersey... and he says "Hey, Yo! Come'ere" This is very common in the NYC & Philly areas.

As someone above said, "Jew" is often used as "you" but that is NOT what is said. We often do this with "Jew eat?" (did you eat yet?) and then respond with "No, Jew?" (no, did you?)

"Yo" is very common, just like in Rocky with "Yo Adrian!"

There is nothing more to it than that.


"As someone above said, "Jew" is often used as "you" but that is NOT what is said. We often do this with "Jew eat?" (did you eat yet?) and then respond with "No, Jew?" (no, did you?)"

I'm from Philly and this 100% accurate.


he says hey you. its quite clear. also guy getting shave is named joe


He did say "You, with a New York Accent. Very noticeable.
