MovieChat Forums > Dilbert (1999) Discussion > It was the voicing...

It was the voicing...

They just didn't get the right actors. Some of these lines could be hilarious, but they're not delivered right. I really do blame the failure of this show entirely on the voices.



Pretty much. Such a pity...


...and, i think, Larry Miller. Him as The Boss was absolutely brilliant imho.


Not just that -- the characters sucked. In trying to create complete characters from a simple comic strip, the writers ended up creating unlikeable characters. Dilbert, especially, gets worse and worse as the episodes wore on.

The show ended up being about a guy -- whom the viewers can't help but dislike -- surrounded and demeaned by unlikeable people smarter than him (e.g. Dogbert, the garbageman, his mother). It was a circus of fail all around.


Didnt the show win an award for astounding voice acting?

This is my signature. There are many others like it but this one is mine


Personally, I disagree completely. I think it was the best aspect of the show. I loved Daniel Stern as Dilbert, and Larry Miller as the PHB was fantastic. Chris Elliot was perfect, and I don't even like Kathy Griffin, but I thought she did a good Alice. I don't know the guy who did Wally, but I thought he was great, too. And I think the best one by far was Jason Alexander as Catbert.

But, I understand that this is subjective.


I agree with the previous poster. The voice-acting was top-notch.

If you want a reason why it was canceled, look to the fact that it was on UPN, a channel with low viewership. Fox seems to give their animated shows a few years to succeed so maybe it would've done well there.


Loved the voice acting. Especially the boss and Ashuk.

"I once killed a coyote with was a small coyote...maybe a potatoe."

I kill threads


I like the voice actors, I think they were all quite well cast and performed. I just got done watching most of the series online (a few episodes weren't available) and I really wish there were more.

Clark's got airectile dysfunction, he can't get up, up and away!


The first season is great, but in the second it get a bit too weird for its own good. The finale in particular was more bizarre than funny although I liked Stone Cold Steve Austin's cameo.

"Shoot straight, you bastards! Don't make a mess of it!


I didn't like all the actors, but Wally, Dogbert and the Boss at least were spot on.

"I do NOT want your tawdry tales of office lust infecting my newsroom!"


I thought all the main voice actors were fine, it was Tom Kenny who ruined it for me.

He literally voiced half of the show's minor male characters all in the same voice, and they all sounded horrible (along with Asok and Ratbert who sounded ok).


I actually loved some of the actors and thought the voices were great.



I loved all the voices, especially Wally. Whenever I read the comic strip now, I hear the voices from the show in my head!


me too.


Wally sounds perfectly like I would've thought Wally would sound. It's actually amazing how perfect he sounds.

Dilbert could sound like many things, but the this show's Dilbert fits the character excellently.

Dogbert's voice also has the exact right tone of disrespect, nihilism, bored non-caring and obvious superiority, it's almost ingenious.

Alice sounds about as annoying as she would, based on her character in the comics, so it's another perfect casting choice.

The boss sounds a little bit too nasal and stupid, and they made him an idiot in a different way than in the comics, though he seems a bit more competent in the show. Can't still bring myself to really complain about him, as that voice does fit this show so well.

I can't really think of any voices that would be awfully miscast or something, but I am sure there has to be some.


Larry Miller and Gordon Hunt where a perfect casting choice, and no it was the channel it was on, and the show airing before it, and I think Daniel Sterns voice fit Dilbert.
Who do you think would of been better in the roles?
