Great rainy day movie

This is a total throwaway movie, but it's great to watch on a rainy day, perhaps kick back with a few cold ones and throw this on.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


Just saw part of it the other day. It wasn't raining, but it's still good rainy day movie. Kick back some chill & enjoy.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"




66 and partly cloudy here

'The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.'-Al McGuire


Yeah, makes you feel cozy.


i keep waiting for the terminator to show up & kill james bond.

His name...was Julio Iglesias!


Why is it throwaway? It's a thrilling (although cheesy) disaster film. Better than a lot of other efforts I've seen including Volcano and anything I've seen in years.


it's up there for sure.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


The best part of the movie is when Pierce Brosnan says that the truck 'is equipped with a snorkel' therefore they can go through 5+ feet of water lol.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


Just curious if you are aware that your signature is not a quote from Shawshank? Meaning isn't even close to that in the movie which is "Get busy living or get busy dying"


