MovieChat Forums > Dante's Peak (1997) Discussion > an issue I have with the movie

an issue I have with the movie

Ok--Dalton is firmly convinced that an eruption is imminent, despite his boss's claims that there is no "scientific" evidence. Considering this, why doesn't he at least make sure he himself is prepared for the eruption? That is, why doesn't he get his hands on a filter mask (sold at most hardware stores) and some goggles? I mean, whenever a volcanic eruption has a good chance of occurring, anyone who might possibly be in the fallout are for ash is advised to get a mask and goggles to protect themselves in the event the volcano does, in fact, erupt.

Surely, given that he knew an eruption was imminent, he would have gotten himself--and probably the mayor and her kids--masks and goggle, so that when the volcano did erupt, he wouldn't be inhaling the ash and getting it in his eyes. I mean, volcanic ash is rock--very finely ground rock particulates. As a USGS employee, he should know the dangers of ash, and be adequately prepared.

Also, i find it amusing how both the kids and him using windshield wipers on the cars doesn't scratch them in the least. Because, in real life, using wipers on volcanic ash will scratch the window, since the ash is very abrasive (it is rock, afterall).

Not to mention that the tires would ahve melted driving over the lava, despite the fact that it had cooled significantly.

The sad thing, though, is that some pilots, like the helicopter pilot, actually are stupid enough to try and fly through volcanic ash clouds (I'm thinking the KLM pilot from 20 yrs ago who flew straight into an ash cloud put out by Redoubt).


Well, if Pierce was wearing a mask, we wouldn't be able to see his cute face throughout the movie :-\


Well, when the "Popocatépetl" Volcano made an eruption here in México(not so dangerous though) it launched some ash that reached the City, I remember being in the car back from the movies with my family at that time, and we used the wipers because we thought it was raining, It surely is toxic, but I can't recall it scratching the windshield even a little. Maybe it was just too soft (but it was less than in the movie so perhaps you may be right).

Heheh, the man on the helicopter... yeah, aren't they told not to fly with weather like that?

this is the definetely the worst movie ever



I thought the movie was entertaining, as long as you don't question the science too much. A lot of it was totally unrealistic.


As most are
