Does this film now have liberal vs. conservative messaging?
A couple from one blue state are driving across red states to move to another blue state.
shareA couple from one blue state are driving across red states to move to another blue state.
shareVERY common Hollywood theme.
shareIn 1997?
Blue state-red state didn't even become a real meme until the early 2000s. There weren't PC hangups in the 90s like there are now.
QUOTE: A couple from one blue state are driving across red states to move to another blue state. END QUOTE.
This is what I am referring to and it is a very VERY common theme in movies. LA/NY good/smart/attractive/rich/etc, everywhere else bad/dumb/ugly/poor/etc.
Doesn't matter. My point was there can't be political messaging before political messaging even became a thing. If you're reading political messaging in it, that's your subjective interpretation but it doesn't make the basis of it real. Just like if you're reading Moby Dick as a religious piece of work, it doesn't make your suspicions real.
share"s there can't be political messaging before political messaging"
Political messages have been a 'thing' since the dawn of time , the age of the red/blue state thing is irrelevent
PC insanity started in the 90s.
The second Robocop film had that theme. He was reprogrammed to have so many PC responses and actions he couldn't do anything.
Decades of bullshit.
There was a little bit in the 90s, but it wasn't anything close to what it is now. For instance there's just no way a movie like Falling Down (1993) could even be made now. I remember protests when that movie came out, but it was comparatively mild in the pre-internet pre-social media days. Today it would have never gotten greenlit in the first place.
NYU business prof Jonathan Haidt was the first to publish a study on the whole phenomenon last year tracing the evolution of what we now know as PC "call out culture" that incubated on liberal college campuses in the NE and West Coast. There was a brief period in the 90s, but it went dormant again until social media provided the channels to amplify the public shaming and toxicity to the unbearable levels we see today. The whole thing really began blowing up in 2013.
Not making a movie like Falling Down isn't PC.
That film came out before it was common to have mass murders in the similar manner. The film was made as a kind of cautionary tale about not screwing people and making people feel useless. That was during a time when rich people were starting to send all industry to third world countries.
After people started murdering people in real life for screwing them, it became a good idea not to present film role models doing it. People imitate role models.
PC is about saying an ideal and ignoring facts that make that ideal not true. For instance, it's easy to see that blacks create a lot of crime, are bad citizens, aren't interested in education, and produce a lot of sociopathic entertainment via rap music. These are all problems and if you believe in equality then they need to be confronted. But, PC people prefer to stick with fantasies that everything is okay. SO, you can't talk about such problems without being in extreme danger.
PC speech is about not talking about real things, then becoming vicious when they are talked about. I view it as some white bourgeois cultural thing.
The entire idea behind political correctness is "don't be an asshole". It was justifiably meant to shame and ostracize people like you.
The reason why its gotten out of hand is how its swept up people that had no intention of being an asshole. But that wouldn't apply to you.
Shaming people for having an opinion in a country that has freedom of speech makes you an asshole.
Freedom of speech is designed to stop oppression and what you're saying is classic oppression. Before the US was formed you were an "asshole" if you spoke out against royalty, the church, and so forth which were just oppressive, but conventional, and sometimes seen as good, groups invented by people.
So, your definition of asshole is something that exists in your mind and seems factual because you are indeed an asshole.
I think that is why the OP stuck the word “now” in their question. As in, the film has a different impact on present day audiences versus when it was orginally released. Though some may say America’s blue state/red state inner turmoil is nothing more than a reboot of Union vs. Confereracy, so the theme is not new at all.
shareThe villains are poor who are jealous of the rich
But also the villains are gun lovers
This movie is about the liberal's worst nightmare.
shareToday people are driving from blue states to escape them and live in red states. Unfortunately a lot of them will retain their idiotic blue voting habits and ruin those red states the same way they ruined the states they are fleeing.