Austin Powers 4 - Mike Myers Returning for another

I'm not sure if the world is ready for it, but there's going to be an Austin Powers 4 either way. Mike Myers is set to return and I can only say that I hope the franchise feels a little refreshed from how bad it had become in Goldmember. I hated that movie.

Check out my article on it here: y/

What's everyone else think? Yay or nay on another?


If they're smart, they'll satirize movie series' reboots.

For example, in this new movie, Dr. Evil could scheme to reboot the Austin Powers series.

Austin Powers responds with, "but what about the time I beat you in the 60s?"

To which Dr. Evil replies, "Never happened."

Austin, perplexed, says "What about the 70s? The 80s?"

"Nope. Negatory. Retconned, my friend. It's my new evil plan..." Dr. Evil's eyes grow wide, a wrinkle appears above his lips. "It's simple Mr. Powers.. They've done it with Batman.. They're doing it with Spiderman, and they've also done it with your fellow Agent 00-sixty nine as well.. You, see Mr. Powers...If I reboot the Austin Power's series.. I stand to make.." A pale pinky finger is raised to Dr. Evil's lips, " Billion Dollars."


I think that could work. Maybe have the studio executives in Dr. Evil's place though as they actually could make $1 billion (including the other movies) with this movie.

I expect nothing less than gratuitous violence from the lot of ya.


I just hope they don't ruin it with CGI. The lame props were part of the fun of the original.



Yeah, but don't forget about Dr. Evil's CGI secret volcano lair.
