The first thing Dr. Evil did when unfrozen...

Was learn the Macarena


"Tokkah tokkah tokkah tokkah tokkah tokkah tokkah... Hoooo..." Still cracks me up!


Ha, I forgot he did that.


Well, don't look at me like I'm frickin' Frankenstein, give your old man a hug!


This is a typical mistake. Frankenstein was the human DOCTOR, the monster was never called 'Frankenstein'.

The correct term is 'Frankenstein's Monster'. So, a monster of doctor Frankenstein.

The funny thing about that scene is that he's actually moving exactly like the monster would in the old movies, when saying that.


I think because it's been erroneously called that for so long and by so many people, it is probably just as acceptable to just call it Frankenstein now. Although when it was in Germany in the 1930s and 40s, it made sure to go by just the name "The Monster".
