Anaconda Reality
shareThank you, that was very interesting!
"Life is like a movie. Only you can't pick your genre."
Movies are not supposed to be real. Don't spoil the fun.
Hector Barbossa is King!!
Movies are not supposed to be real.
I agree with the other poster... They AREN'T real... We've got two choices, movies vs. documentaries... If that's the case folks would be screwed up in the head after seeing zombies and vampire movies...
A movie cannot possibly be TOO real, because let's face it... Life isn't always THAT interesting... If we'd have a more accurate portrayal of an anaconda attack, please believe the movie would be boring as hell... That's like watching the grass grow...
HOWEVER, movies that feature actual creatures should be responsible enough to show SOME level of realism, but with a punch...
You people are the disease, but I've got the cure. ~Morgan on "Chuck"
That’s smart. Teaching the local children to be friendly with a creature that has been known to eat children.
How incredibly irresponsible.
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."
Hey if Princess Jasmine had a pet tiger, anything's possible.