Dead monkey

I'm sorry, but did anyone else laugh their ass off when they are first hunting the snake and it pops up along the side of the boat and spits that dead monkey in Westridge's face? I have seen this movie many times over the years but today was the first time I really paid attention to that part and my fiance and I were dying laughing!

I know monkeys must be a theme in the movie because later Jon Voight douses J-Lo and Ice Cube in monkey blood, but the monkey-spitting at Westridge is priceless...especially since the snake doesn't have anything in its mouth when it first pops out of the water!

I'm not knocking the movie since I find it to be quite entertaining, but please let me know if anyone thinks that is as funny as I do!


Didn't they do that shot in some type of slow motion? Yeah, I thought it was funny. Not laugh out loud funny. Whoever did the editing there did a bad job. I think those two factors, with Westridge's facial expression make the scene weirdly funny.

Another thing that makes it weird is that the snake never ate the monkey (judging by it's appearance anyway). Came back up out of the water to spit it back in their faces. What was up with that?

~Hey Arnold!~


My guess is that he took a que from the T-Rex in Jurassic Park and spit the bait back at them. Screw you guys I don't wanna be fed, I want to hunt!

It doesn't matter if they're laughing with you or at you, as long as they're laughing. -Jon Buck


I was like 9 years old when this came out and boy, how I laughed that scene..even now..haven't seen the movie in ages but I still laugh...


me too....I was really looking forward to that part and I laughed like hell:)

Battle:L.A- separates the men from the nerds:)


More more scared the crap out of me, the monkeys body looked freaky.
