MovieChat Forums > Alien Resurrection (1997) Discussion > They killed off __________ too early.

They killed off __________ too early.

I always thought they killed off the leader, Elgyn, too early. Without his character, the whole film post-alien escape just felt pretty directionless with too many character personalities going on and no central focus, because there was no one leader on the "human" side to be the central opposition to any calls Ripley made.


I agree! he gets a too early death. And they made exactly the same mistake in Alien 3 where they kill "Clemens", played wonderfully by Charles Dance (Game of Thrones) where he also gives a more human approach. After his death, all hell brakes loose and the film gets chaotic and without body.
This pattern of events begins to be routine in the Alien franchise which makes it very predictable and thus boring.


I'm glad someone agrees. After he was killed off, it just seemed that Ripley was telling everyone to do and everyone just followed along. I would have liked to have more of a dynamic where it would be Ripley vs Elgyn, with her giving her opinions and him being conflicted over what he thinks is best for his own crew. But after he dies so early on, it basically just becomes a formulaic pick-off-the-characters-one-by-one story without any other conflict except for avoiding the aliens.


What's going on Mr Clemens?


I love your post here. I thought the exact same thing! Clemens was one of the (very few) likeable characters on Alien3 & David Wincott is a favorite of mine in most things I've seen him in. Both die way too early!

“The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.”


I didn´t feel the same way but he had GREAT presence for sure...they could have kept him longer


Couldn't agree more. Also After Clemens dies part 3 along with it. He was the only compelling character. Might've helped both films


Totally agree !

Was a shock to see him go so early !

Stupid decision to do that tbh, good actor and was an interesting character :(


It wasnt Clemens dying in A3 that kicked everything off , it was the warden guy , then they were leaderless and nobody wanted to be in charge.

which is probly why they killed the A4 captain off early, to create that panic.

but as you sa " too many character personalities going on and no central focus,"
true dat


Yup, they needed him to carry the film.


That’s kind of a running device in all the movies, where the leader or Captain of the crew is killed off early leaving the rest of the group directionless and infighting.


At this rate it just becomes predictable and boring.


They also killed off Hillard (Kim Flowers) too early. I knew when the underwater sequence started that she was going to buy the farm.
