Lets be Real

The American military would track down and murder any and everybody that ever associated with these terrorists. Additionally the secret service guy why did he even believe for a second he could ever walk away from that situation alive.

Finally the President serves the American people first and foremost even if his family is in peril he shouldn't have stayed on that plane.


Yes let's be real -

1) No serving American president would ever have been to war for his country.
2) No way he would have fought the way Harrison's character did. Remember Presidents are Lawyers and Bankers not military men.
3) The real president would've been in the escape pod and off that plane quicker than usain Bolt.
4) America would negotiate with terrorists if the President was in danger.
5) In that situation the real president would cry his eyes out.
6) The opening scene where US special forces parachute in to grab Radic was laughable - the Americans couldn't even hover a helicopter over Bin Laden's (alleged) compound without crashing (All the gear, no idea!)

I did enjoy the film more than the awful Olympus Has Fallen - I gave it 6 out of 10.


Teddy Roosevelt and JFK come to mind. They both served in war time, and I could definitely see Teddy kicking some ass. However, you're pretty much right. These days, the presidency is filled with douchebag, eccentric millionaires who either come from a lineage of banking or being lawyers, while they serve the fatcats on Wall Street and pretend they're for the middle class.


Don't forget Eisenhower.


In my opinion, the last great president we've had.

The Republicans could learn a thing or two from him.


Bush Senior (whether you agree with his politics or not) was also a military man.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Senator John McCain almost stepped through the White House doors. He was a naval aviator, flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers and fought in the Vietnam war just like our President Marshall.


It's a movie!


Um- yes bagelboi it is a fictional movie! I hope most of us realise that.

@ caslingary above was just suggesting to posters they might like to offer some real life parallels to events and characters seen in the movie:

e.g. presidents who have seen military action IRL.

That sort of thing.


1) Every President of the last 100 years, except for Clinton and Obama, has been a veteran.
2) See above.
3) The real Air Force One doesn't have an escape pod, or a parachute ramp. It doesn't. Those were plot devices.
4) No, they wouldn't. They'd consider the President to be under duress (like in the movie) and hand the reigns to the VP. This movie got it right-- this country respects the title, not the man holding it.
5) That's probably true. Almost anyone would.
6) That's probably true as well.
