I didn't feel sorry for him for many reasons:
- ever since the hi-jacking started, he knew his life was hanging on a thread
- he didn't flinch, he kept eye-contact with his killer and tried at least a last desperate move in the name of duty, anyway, he faced death and died as a hero
- it was a situation where only one man could be saved so he was willing to let the President go anyway... and die, so by the time of his death, his chances of survival have considerably shrunk, and maybe he would have died a much painful death hed he stayed in the plane and ... waited. I
But the reason why I didn't feel sorry for him is because I felt much sorrier for the poor guy who was rescuing them, in fact, I couldn't put his death out of my mind for the rest of the film ;
- here's a young man who's saving people and is doing one hell of a job at that
- he probably pictures himself receiving a medal with Dad, Mom and his brother Joshua in the audience
- he knows he's risking his life but he expect a 'natural' accident, the rescue belongs to the 'resolution' part, terrorists were killed, so he didn't really consider the possibility of being killed
- he didn't even have time to see his death coming, one second he's asking the President to come, and the second after, a bullet ejects him from the plan, and he vanishes into the sea like a Kleenex thrown in a trashcan. WTF
For some reason, at that point I didn't even care for anyone to die or survive, I know innocent people ought to die in such movies, but that very death upset me.
Darth Vader is scary and I ξΌ The Godfather