MovieChat Forums > Oz (1997) Discussion > What was the deal with Rebadow developin...

What was the deal with Rebadow developing serial killer like tendencies?

After he kills El Cid because he is forced to they make it seem like he develops a thirst for killing. So then he tries to murder his own BFF Busmalis for the fun of it but he fails and gets thrown in the hole. Eventually he sort of goes back to being the "sweet old man" character and continues his bromance with Busmalis. But it seems weird they just dropped that story line with him going insane dont you think?


Hmm well I guess I forgot about the whole brain tumor thing. makes a little more sense but still weird he would go back to being the same guy


His wanting to kill Busmalis was more than just blood lust. He still held a grudge against Busmalis for not taking Bob with him during his successful escape attempt.

Personally, I think Bob was afraid of Querns. After the attempted stabbing, Querns threatened to send him to general population if he tried it again. Rebadow is a wise man, knowing, at his age and spoiled by Em City, that we wouldn't fair too well in Gen Pop. And when Querns made a threat, you had to take it seriously.

"Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!"



Well don't forget, he committed murder to get to oz in the first place, so he wasn't always a sweet old man. The way I looked at it, he had been at the mercy of not just other guards but inmates as well for so long, killing gave him a sense of control back into his life. Something he hadn't felt for some 35 years. Getting caught was his wake up call.
