O'riely vs alvarez
whose the cooler character?
shareDefinitely, O'reilly!
shareCoolest or sleaziest! O'Reilly cared about only himself no matter his faux concern for Cyril! ;-/
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Not true, he definitely did care for Cyril and obviously Gloria.
shareAre you sure about that? No way. Ryan O'Reily only cares about himself.
shareA lot of his caring for Cyril may have been guilt. Maybe even some fear; we hear almost nothing about Cyril before his accident but I'm thinking he was probably the more deadly of the two. I didn't really think about that until Jericho came along and became the outlet for what was left of the old Cyril. I think Sister Pete saw that and the danger in it and that's why she took Jericho back.
shareI love Alvarez.
shareI had more sympathy for Alvarez's plight catching it from all sides; the guards/Warden, his ex-crew, and the Brotherhood! It's a wonder he wasn't more insane after all that had happened including allowing Torquemada to drug and molest him! He pretty much just gave up near the end of the series!
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As much as I enjoy O'Reilly's survival skill, I still feel bad towards Miguel and I love his relationship with Father Ray. Also Kirk Acevedo's voice awakened my sexuality first time I watch this show lol
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