Creepiest/most disturbing crime flashbacks
In my opinion:
#5 Shirley Bellinger
#4 Simon Adebisi
#3 Timmy Kirk
#2 Adam Guenzel and Franklin Winthrop
#1 Mark Mack
In my opinion:
#5 Shirley Bellinger
#4 Simon Adebisi
#3 Timmy Kirk
#2 Adam Guenzel and Franklin Winthrop
#1 Mark Mack
Raymond "Mondo" Browne's flashback showed that he had skinned someone.
I thought Mondo Browne's flashback was cool. I wasn't disturbed by it.
I think Hernandez's flashback was far more disturbing, since he impales a guy with a steel pole.
Cutler running over a guy's head with his motorcycle was even more disturbing.
My favorite was one of the Latino guys chucking Peter Dinklage off a rooftop, after dangling and taunting him a little while (end of season 4). I always found it amusing they had a dwarf victim suffer this truly awful demise. I mean, you gotta one cruel mofo to do that to a height challenged person, right?
Funny, I mentioned Dinklage in that one scene of "OZ" and someone swore it wasn't him! He's been in a ton of projects, but I've only seen him in "Nip/Tuck" and "X-Men: Days of Future Past!" No "...Thrones" fan here; sorry! Been a while, but I think the Latin guy was Chico Guerra! ;-)
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Yes, Guerra was the Dinklage chucker.
share10. Mark Mack
9. Simon Adebisi- for Adebisi, killing an undercover cop was a way to get a head in life.
8. Raoul "El Cid" Hernandez- I had no idea Latinos made shish kebabs...
7. Augustus Hill- killing a cop, falling about 4-5 stories (and not dying) all while completely naked/hanging. What's not disturbing?
6. Wolfgang Cutler- kind of wonder how long it took to bury the victim before he started his bike.
5. Hamid Khan- disturbing because he was sent to Oz for performing a righteous civic duty.
4. Timmy Kirk- gross, little punk.
3. Mondo Browne- especially heinous considering the victim looked pregnant.
2. William Cudney- hard to believe that he didn't get the death penalty along with Shirley. I guess the mitigating circumstances involving his aborted child spared him.
1. Shirley Bellinger- I don't see how any parent could do something like this. Unfortunately, this isn't too far off of reality.
"Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!"
I think Wolfgang Cutler has most disturbing flashback. It was pure evil.Nightmare stuff. Adebisi flashback is similiar but less violent.
Mondo Brownde apsolutely deserve mention.
Also skinny black dude named Reggie Rawls flashback is monstruos.
Agree with booth Shirley Bellinger and William Cudney. I was so glad when Cudney get killed by Kosygin.
Carlos Martinez and Burr Redding should be here as well.
I was quite disturbed by Alvarez's crime. Got a thing about violence against old people and found that scene a tough watch.
Hi, I'm Shelley's new boyfriend and I'm out of my mind
Does anyone remember William Cudney?
He was sicko that shot an abortion doctor's child,(looked to be no more than 5-6 years old), with a high powered rifle because his wife went behind his back and had an abortion. He said he did it because he wanted the doctor to know the sense of loss he had given him.
Even O'Reilly got pissed when he revealed that one.
William Cudney, definitely.
I used to be darker, then I got lighter, then I went dark again.
I missed some episodes when it got silly, so I must have missed that flashback! I hope he "got his" while in OZ!
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Coyle aka Snake. Him murdering the family including the baby. Raping the mom while bleeding out her neck