Most satisfaction
Like many else have said, Kenny Wangler. What a horrible, irredeemable human being. J.D. Williams did a phenomenal job though, he definitely made me loathe the character!
Vern Schillinger. He really ruined Tobias' life! But man was he endlessly entertaining though.
Timmy Kirk. Hated him. Hated, hated, hated him.
Least satisfaction
Kareem Said. He was such an iconic character and I hated to see him to see him die.
Antonio Nappa. 10 episodes? ONLY 10 EPISODES??? Come on, man!
Nino Schibetta. He was a great underrated character who at least deserved a guest spot as a "ghost" in season 6.
Raoul Hernandez. He was despicable and deserved to die, but it happened too early.
Most unexpected
Kareem Said. When he suddenly got shot I asked myself "WHAT THE *beep* JUST HAPPENED?!".
Leo Glynn. I thought he would stay on the show for every episode!
Dino Ortolani. Did anyone really think he would die in the first episode?!
Deserved to die, but didn't
Of course Claire Howell! She even raped people!!! And she's a *beep* prison guard, for Christ's sake!
No one here has mentioned him yet, but James Devlin. He was disgustingly selfish, can't believe they didn't have him offed.