Top 10 Episodes


10. Jumpin' Crack Bass (season 2)
9. Get Your Freak Off (season 7)
8. Mutual of Omabwah (season 9)
7. Husky Bobby (season 2)
6. A Fire Fighting We'll Go (season 3)
5. Smoking and The Bandit (season 9)
4. Full Metal Dust Jacket (season 7)
3. I Don't Want To Wait... (season 5)
2. Keeping Up With Our Joneses (season 1)
1. Death of A Propane Salesman (season 3)



Here's mine...

1) Westie Side Story
2 Luanne's Saga
3) The Wedding of Bobby Hill
4) Aisle 8A
5) Leanne's Saga
6) Love Hurts, & So Does Art
7) Hanky Panky
8) Sleight of Hank
9) A Fire Fighting We Will Go
10) Husky Bobby


Alphabetical order

Après Hank, le Deluge
Beer Can named Desire
Hank's on board
Happy Hank's Giving
Livin' on Reds, Vitamin C and Propane
Mutual of Omabwah
A Fire Fighting We'll Go
Redneck on Rainey Street
Naked Ambition (because of the asylum subplot)
Raise the Steaks

Anybody see patterns in these lists? I think I like the ones that feature lots of characters equally...


Mine, in no particular order:

1. The Witches of East Arlen
2. Pigmalion
3. Hilloween
4. Flirting with the Master
5. Ms. Wakefield
6. Peggy's Magic Sex Feet
7. Yard, She Blows!
8. Lost in Myspace
9. Fun with Jane and Jane
10. The Passion of the Dauterive
