MovieChat Forums > King of the Hill (1997) Discussion > Peggy's Spanish pronunciation...

Peggy's Spanish pronunciation...

... stinks to high heaven. I mean, it's really, really awful.

Was that intentional? Or did the people behind the show just not care?


New to the show? Lol


Yes, someone watched half an episode and came to the Or is trolling


I certainly hope so.. Peggy's horrible mangling of the Spanish language was one of my favorite running gags.. it just got worse and worse. LOL.. and then her grasp of it was even worse!


It was definitely intentional. Everyone in the neighborhood knee that Peggy's Spanish was awful, but they never want to burst her bubble. It's hilarious because she thinks so highly of herself in all aspects, even though she has good intentions (we all have someone like that in our lives)

It got to be such a running gag, that they made an episode based on how bad her Spanish pronunciation and comprehension is (I think it's called Lupe's Problem, or something like that...)


That was the joke it's self. Peggy's understanding of the Spanish language was so bad, but she thought it was perfect.



I love this quote from her: "All of these calls were from Mehicans. Now, their Spanish wasn't great, but I was able to gather that they got sick after drinking Alamo."

This is also great: "I am very fluent. Listen to me roll my "R"s: RRRRR! RRRRR! I rrrrest my case!"





It is absolutely intentional. Why would you have to ask?


The greater question is why would somebody so lacking in proficiency be teaching Spanish to kids?

Peggy is an irritating character by design but this goes a bit too far. She comes across as a culturally insensitive ignoramus. What's worse is she is teaching kids how to speak Spanish poorly.


Yes that was intentional. Peggy is so full of herself yet she's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is.
