Random URGENT question

Is Dharma and Greg filmed in front of a studio audience OR does it have a laugh track OR am I totally insane and there are no "laugh-overs"? I haven't seen the show in a while but I'd like to use it as an example in a paper I'm writing... that's due tomorrow (eek!)

Thank you!

“Mowing the lawn... is blowing my mind!!”


It's too late now, but it was a laugh track.

"All the years of melon head jokes and bald jokes... I make ONE nose joke and "oooh!!" ~Colin


Thank you for replying! I thought it was a laugh track, but then I started doubting myself... Oh well, I ended up just cutting the Dharma and Greg part out of the essay because I wasn't sure about it

“Mowing the lawn... is blowing my mind!!”


I worked on the show. They filmed in front of a studio audience probably 99 percent of the time. And if there was no audience, they'd screen the edited show for a live audience to provide the laughs.


I wrote a question earlier, but cannot tell if it was sent... So here it goes again: Can you tell me what happened to this show? We absolutely loved it and thought it was doing so well. Except, that is, for what ABC did as far as airing the episodes--i.e., one new episode, then a rerun, then nothing (some other show in its place), then another rerun, then a new episode, etc... very irritating.


Yes,, I believe it was a mix of a laugh track and a live audience.
