There are a few times throughout the series where Dharma and Jane get together to do kooky stuff. It's usually only on for 15-30 seconds or so, but it gives us an idea of what these gal pals did/do when hanging out together:
(1) Dressing up as Royal Mounted Police, where Jane says something about "nobody ever gets that", and Dharma replies with "But now we have a horse"
(2) In the grocery store where Jane is sitting inside the cart as Dharma's pushing it, and they're chit-chatting, and Jane turns to another shopper and says, "hi, pretty lady."
(3) Another grocery store endeavor where Dharma and Jane dress up like 50s housewives
(4) Along with Kitty and Abby, where all four assume a different identity, dress up and hang out in a bar near an army base (ok that's technically not just Dharma and Jane, but when Jane in a Marilyn Monroe-esque look and voice says, "how do they make the boats fly?" -- PRICELESS)
I cant tell u the exact episode names I dont think off the top of my head, but maybe this will help you some...
1) This is one about Dharma's birthday, where Greg ends up falling asleep at his ex-gf's house and the horse falls in love with Dharma.
2) I think this is when Greg is trying to find out his calling in life and is at home unemployed. It may be the same episode where Dharma borrows money from Kitty.
3) This is from "The First Thanksgiving."
4) That's from "The Official Dharma & Greg episode of the 1998 Olympics."
There's also the episode when Greg's cousin stays with them for a little while. Dharma and Jane take her to the mall and pretend to be German tourists. It was pretty funny when it blew up in their faces because of the one lady who actually spoke German. LOL!
Don't remember those Episode names..which is a shame because I too loved when Darma and Jane got going. Personally, I LOVED the contest about the Duck (and the fact that it was supposedly taking place when the Last Episode of Seinfeld was airing.)!
Thanks to all, keep 'em coming, I saw another one this evening --- when Dharma went with Donald (the neighbor boy) to a high-school dance, and Greg says to Dharma and Jane - something to the effect of "so you're 16-year-old-girls going to the mall," and they respond with, "Duh." Dharma and Jane have 16-year-old-girl conversations with a couple of high school girls while out shopping for a dress for the dance.
The duck contest was something that Dharma and Jane apparently did before Greg arrived on the scene, where whichever one of them would have sex in the most offbeat public place would get this duck statue, and then whoever had the duck would try to be outdone by the other.
In the episode (can't remember the name of it) where we saw the duck thing going on, Dharma and Greg are trying to get the duck, and were going to have sex at I believe Ghiradelli Square, but Jane found out about it, and took their clothes. They ended up hiding out near the Courthouse, or the Justice Building, and were going to do it on the steps there when Kitty and Edward showed up, and had sex themselves on the steps, so Dharma gave the duck to Kitty, saying she had deserved it.
Omg dharma and jane remind me so much of me and myfriends. I love it!! The german tourists one was hillarious.
I love janes man cat too. I accually have a friend who is skitzophrenic(sp) who sometimes thinks he is a cat. We have to call him hijynks and rub his bely.
I just started watching this show again for the first time and it was striking how much it reminded me of my own hosehold.
I love the show but never understood why the writers wanted Greg to be belittled as much as he was and turned into a fool who completely gave up who he was. I feel the writers always allowed Dharma to get away with too much and as the show went on they made Greg look more and more like a first class dunce. They always had him giving in to Dharma's sense of reality and giving up his own, although he knew that her views of the world were not based on reality but on a twisted upbringing.
Examples of things she got away with: (1)Such as jumping up and going off to see the red wood trees to find herself because a "dead Indian" told her to. What was she supposed to be looking for?I never knew she was lost.
(2)Allowing her to go to the so called healing ceremony with her parents after her hip is broken in the car accident and she refuses to have additional much needed surgery. Her warped minded parents had some whacky ceremony for everything.
(3)How about when they adopt the baby and he allows Dharma's mother and all these silly people she has brought into their home to take over, make decisions about the baby, overruling him and virtually ignoring him. Also during this episode, Greg comes home to an empty house and finds out they have moved, lock stock and barrel, without telling him or consulting him. That show was extremely hard to take and did not come across as comedy.
I wish the writers would have had him concoct a series of silly scenarios to highlight the silliness of the things Dharma and her parents did to teach her a lesson and bring her closer to reality. This would have added humor to the show and not have Greg look like an idiot, which he did more and more as the show went on. His friend Pete, as flawed as he was, didn't understand why Greg allowed Dharma to do many of the things she did and not take issue with her. He often took verbal pot shots at Greg because of this. Greg's lose of who he was and where he came from is what prompted me to stop watching the show for a long, long time. For awhile the show stopped being funny.