Last Episode?

I was just wondering, was the last episode of season 5 really ment to be the last episode ever? It's such an open ending and doesn't really satisfy like a last episode should... it was kinda too lame to be a last episode, even.

Thanks for answering!


No, it wasn't. The show was supposed to be picked up by another station, but it fell through and the show ended up cancelled.


You know, I agree. The last episode was pretty lame. If the viewers had their way, it would be this: Dharma and Greg agree to have a baby. They about to make love in the back of van when the scene fades to black and the next scene shows Abby and Larry & Kitty and Edward are in the waiting room of the hospital when Greg comes out wearing hospital scrubs and a big smile. He gives them the news; Dharma has just given birth to twin girls, probably given different names, like Annie and Apple or Emily and Electra. And they would grow up to be different people. THat would be pretty cool!! God bless


Well, that would have been a good, happy ending, but wouldnt that be too cliche. I mean, this end, althought indeed not the most feel-good ending, was good because it was not a cliche ending and with people who think so different, this kinda thing eventually will happen.

IF there would be another show (I'm sure there wont), I for one think it would be pretty cool if Dharma and Greg would after their break-up each go their own way and after, say, 5 years they bump into each other, having another relationship (or not) and well, I dont know, discuss what they have done with their life and who they are now married/living with.


Ok, that explains a lot! Too bad... I hope that it will be picked up again maybe sometime... but that's prob false hope.


what happened in the last episode? and was there ever a car crash in this series or am I thinking of a different series?

forget that first question I just found it!

"Hello, my monochromatic friend."


the proper ending should have been a divorce, or that the entire show was a dream.


It was about a trip they all took together Both sets of parents wanted them to attend different thiings at the same time. All 6 of them end up going somewhere and fighting the whole time.
The subplot was about Pete's shady activities getting the Montgomery's firm in trouble with the SEC. The last scene was Ed being served notice of a full investigation. SUX

"Think about it. If you were observing this planet,would you make contact?"


There was a car crash, but it was not the last episode, just the last episode of a season. The second to last season I believe.


It sure didn't seem to be a season finale, but I guess that's what it wound up being. When I saw the Vanity Card after "The Mamas & The Papas (part 2)", I knew it was the last. It said in very large letters:


I love Dharma & Greg. I love the fictional characters who populate it, and I love the very real characters involved in the making of it. This was never just a television show for me. This was an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to heal. I am forever grateful.


Who the hell would want them to get divorced? The whole point of the show was they beat the odds by staying together even though they were so incompatible & they rushed into their marriage.

I thought the finale was actually an okay ender for the show. The parents finally make peace, & Dharma & Greg grapple with what would actually BE the biggest issue in a relationship like that: How the hell do you raise children when you both see the world soooo differently?? They figured out how they'd make it work, and thus we're able to presume that D&G are still out there somewhere, successfully raising their family. The parents made peace, and thus we can assume that they continued to understand each other better & better. THE END.

I know it was not planned out to be the ending, but it works.


I agree. In my vision, Dharma and Greg stay together and are (for the most part) very happy. The last episode left room for more, but it also worked as an ending.

There is a God and his name is Billy Joel.
