Okay, this is supposed to be a play on words, but I've often noticed a lot of well, I don't want to use the word "hypocritical" but maybe we could say "inconsistencies" with the hippie values presented on the show.
For instance, Greg buys Dharma diamonds a few times, & she fawns all over the place when he does. (For example, the ep with Claudia Schiffer, where he is fantasizing about her all the time & feels guilty) Wouldn't someone like Dharma's character feel bad about wearing diamonds?
Darn, I had some other ones, but I forgot them.
And it kinda pisses me off how the "hippie" perspective is always the punchline & everything is SOOOO overly exaggerated, like when Abby Larry & Dharma are doing tai'chi in the yard & they keep going "Whooooooooshhhhhh" together. There is nothing like that in that tai'chi form, they did that to make it funnier.
I get aggravated with it because a lot of their views are similar to my own...
I think with the lamp & fishing examples, you just don't understand Abby's beliefs.
She doesn't think the broken lamp is a big deal because she doesn't place a high value on the ownership of 'things'. To her, the expensive lamp wouldn't be any different than a lamp found in a dumpster.
She doesn't know what to think of Greg going fishing because she has strong vegan beliefs. I'm vegan, and if my husband decided tomorrow that he was going to go hunting, we'd have a very big problem. Also, as I recall, it was not her first reaction that Dharma should leave Greg -- she only goes there when it seems that Greg won't be reasoned with about it. To her, that constitutes a fundamental difference in core values that would be unacceptable. Its just her worldview.
I'm confused by Wayne's remarks. The entire reason I replied to this thread was that the OP was complaining about Dharma's parents, but somehow there was nothing wrong with Greg's. If you're going to complain about one set, you must complain about both. I also think they're hilarious. I'm not at all offended by Kitty and Edward, even though I would likely identify with their political beliefs, if not their views on race relations.
I wasn't using the "Catholics and other people of color" off-putting. I was asking why the OP would complain about Abby and Larry, but not Kitty and Edward. Claiming that they're "hippie-critical" is hypocritical, no?
I don't agree... I think Abby is very loving and understanding, but at the same time she feels strongly about preserving nature and what not. If these things collide, like in the occasion of the example you mentioned, it's natural that she'll have to abandon one of them a little. I don't recall the episode where that which you said happened, but I do believe her character would eventually accept (albeit perhaps grudgingly) and would certainly not object to Dharma staying with Greg.
I also actually felt like the fun poked at the Greg side was a bit harsher... which I guess makes me now believe it's actually quite equal.
In response to the OP, I do not actually think the Dharma family is hypocritical or hippie-critical, or even inconsistent so much. Dharma will fawn over the diamonds because regardless of her hippie background, she'll understand the gesture from Greg's perspective, which in itself is part of her personality. I think she's too nuanced a character to describe with simply the word "hippie" - her parents come closer to that. I also think Dharma would've fawned just as much over, say, a nice handpicked bunch of flowers or whatever.
About the tai'chi, well, I don't know anything about that, but I think you shouldn't take these things too personally. Just think that this might just be their variant of what tai'chi really is like, even though it's not an official part of it. I can understand that you might get aggrevated when you otherwise agree with many of their views, but I would just suggest you take the good in the way they are depicted and shrug off the bad, as much as possible. It's what I do.
By the way... I can't believe someone here said they would rather go to a Greg's family's dinner/get together than one of Dharma's family :| I would so kill... err, no... anyway, I would *love* to go have dinner with Dharma and her parents sometime :D
Also about Dharma, there is an occasion kind of early on in the series I think, I forget where exactly, where she's with her mother and she's being shown something expensive or something like that and she goes "Whoaaahhhhh...... is what you would say if you liked that kind of thing!" (the second part when she saw Abby's look). I think although Dharma isn't really materialistic by nature per se, she still can kind of get swept away by that kind of thing despite herself, and then she will often try to compose herself etc. (yes, especially if Abby is also there, hehe). I think that's one of the things that make her such an interesting character, she's very much a caricature, yet she still has a lot of nuance.
Oh - I do agree that Edward is very lovable. I mean, he's lovable as a general rule and then sometimes he does something that makes him extra lovable on top of that, like in the very last episode (minor SPOILER) when all four parents are burying the head of a moose that Edward killed by driving into it on the road and Abby asks him to say a few words, he ends up getting kind of emotional unexpectedly. He just starts off with "This was a moose. He lived in the woods and he loved it there" but eventually he gets to "Probably had a lady moose in the woods he cared for. Maybe little ones. Probably had YEARS ahead of him, until I came along - bam. He will be missed!" Who could dislike him at that moment, even if you don't care for moose (not that I don't)? I especially like how he says "bam" very much such that it shows he is giving himself a hard time for it.
ditto everything you said. Abby is my favorite character, next to Kitty(heck id watch a show just about them), everyone on the show acts human, and humans have flaws.
plus i thought them going "whoooosh" was really funny... and it kinda makes sense... breathing out bad spirits, vibes, energy or whatever..
theyre just silly people who believe what they want to believe... like everyone else... there are no typical anythings
Hippie are the ultimate hypocrites. Most of them went to go work on wall street after they were done with the free love and drugs. And Dharma's parents saying you should make your own choices,be free,etc but then want everyone to follow their views. Like the mother forcing the father to eat Vegan when he wants meat.Both of them being critical whenever she wants to do something that isn't hippie.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
"Ultimate hypocrites?" You are making a generalization about a rather wide swath of humans. A lot of them probably are hypocrites, but how about some preacher who bellows about gays and fornication and then is caught screwing around? A bit more hypocritical in my opinion.
To me, Abby is a truly tiresome character. Not funny, just tiresome. Edward is adorable, on the other hand.