MovieChat Forums > Dawson's Creek (1998) Discussion > Are they serious with this doalogue?

Are they serious with this doalogue?

This show is on PlutoTV right around the time I cook dinner. It plays on whatever channel I fall asleep to, so I have it on int he background while i make my food.

Dawson, Joey, and the blonde chick talk like they are grad school snobs who've taken a few poly sci and English classes and think they have the world figured out at 23-25. All 3 of them are ridiculously wordy, educated, and obnoxious. Very few people talk like this, let alone high school students. It's laughably bad.

Josh Jackson and the blonde girl are total white trash too.

I caught an episode where Jackson's character is a stock broker?! At like 20?! I just read by the finale he's a restauraunt owner at 25?!

This show is ridiculously unbelievable from multiple angles.


This show isn’t *great* but it’s comforting and nostalgic. The setting, the score, and even the pretentious dialogue add to the charm.
