MovieChat Forums > Dawson's Creek (1998) Discussion > I love Kevin Williamson But....

I love Kevin Williamson But....

I hate the way he reacted with seasons 3-6

Firstly - season 3 is arguably the best season (and includes my personal favourite episode 'The Longest Day')

He abandoned the show himself rather than getting fired (Like Dan Harmon for Community season 4)

And i read this on series finale trivia on

The stars and producers of the show approached series creator Kevin Williamson to pen the series finale.

After some talking, he finally accepted the invitation and decided to right some wrongs he thinks happened throughout the course of the series, which he left after the second season.

What wrongs does he think happened? i know he didn't like the Eve character/storyline (i personally loved her) but what other storylines did KW dislike to right the wrongs for the finale??

The whole basis of the Joey/Pacey love story didn't really happen until season 3(there was an episode in season 1 that hinted at it however)

And seasons 4 & 5 were brilliant - season 6 was the only weak season IMO and i can't see anything in that season that was rectified in the finale

In fact - nothing was rectified or forgotten - and Joey ended up with Pacey (with Dawson being her true soul mate)

I'd love to know what ideas he had if he stayed on throughout the whole series but the fact that he abandoned this show as early as season 3 making his critiques kind of frustrating - what did he expect? someone to know exactly what kind of direction he wanted the show to go in after he left?

The irony is season 1 wasn't as good as seasons 2-4


Season 1 was the best one, if you ask me. And the Joey/Pacey relationship got way too much focus. So I can see what he means about the wrongs that needed righted.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


I totally disagree with this statement - out of the two KW seasons, season 2 was FAR superior

and seasons 3 & 4 are also far superior


I believe the wrongs would be the following:

-Yes, the Eve storyline (including being Jen's half-sister)
-Pacey and Joey happening sooner than what he had planned out
-I bet something related to Jack and the focus of his character (playing football maybe)
-The way Andie was written off or left without any storylines?
-I'm sure he wasn't fond of Audrey
-Pacey becoming a stock broker

I would also bet big bucks on him hating the way the show focused on Joey rather than Dawson or the whole gang as an ensemble.

That's what I think.

-It's the end of something simple and the beginning of everything else...


I knew about the Eve storyline but i must be the only person who loved everting about it (minus her annoying disappearance)

Pacey and Joey happening sooner is what made season 3 so good - so i didn't want that to change

I loved Jack, but he was always the 'side' character in the main cast IMO - i read Jen would have been the side character and Jack would have gotten more focus - that to me spells DISASTER - Jen was the best character without a shadow of a doubt

I agree about Andie - her exit annoyed me - the reasoning why she was written off was because they had no storylines for her was pathetic - they brought in new characters every season - Andie could have easily had some of those storylines (I LOVED Andie) - the fact that KW omitted her scenes from the aired finale also stunk - way to treat one of the better characters Kevin

I like Audrey in season 5 but she was insufferable in season 6 so her not appearing in the finale was justified imo

I agree about Pacey being a stock broker, he was totally unlikeable in season 6 - - another reason season 6 is the worst season

but the show was still amazing for 3 out of 4 seasons sans KW- i just find it kind of ironic that he disliked the direction the show took after he left - when it wasn;t even that bad - and his potential ideas kind of suck


I know Pacey and Joey happening in Season 3 is what makes that season so great but I've read a couple times that KW did intend to get them together but at a later time...eventually.

-It's the end of something simple and the beginning of everything else...


As much as I love season 3, I definitely think the show would have panned out very differently if Kevin had stayed around. the first half of season 3 actually wasn't that great to me. The Pacey/Joey storylines were the best of the season (and thankfully Josh and Katie had such amazing chemistry that even if the writing was atrocious, it wouldn't have been too noticeable!).

My biggest disappointment post-Kevin was season 5 and the first half of season 6. The transition to college just felt so muddled and the character of Audrey is someone I don't think would have existed if Kevin had remained for the entire series.

I also wonder if Andie would have remained a regular character instead of the way she was shafted once Kevin left (apparently there weren't enough storylines for Andie without Pacey, but I disagree as she was such a complex character).

Not to mention Eve in season 3, who's storyline was so different to anything that had been on the show before (and then we never got to see anymore about her, even though she was apparently jen's half sister .

I am so glad Kevin came back and wrote the season finale. It was so special because in the end, he truly cared about the characters he created.


This explains why I only liked the first two seasons the most. I thought those were the best. The third and fourth season I thought were so so okay. The fifth and sixth were awful in my opinion. I wish he would of stayed. It would of been nice to see his vision of how things panned out.


Season 3 tanked as soon as the writers decided to pit Joey and Pacey against Dawson! Why did they do it? Because they were hard up for a plot. So they decided to piss all over their friendship and to turn Joey and Pacey into traitors. The show never ever recovered from their betrayal. It's unbelievable how many teenie boppers love Joey and Pacey even though this relationship was based on betrayal. After this betrayal, things were never the same again among the three friends and therefore the show lost a lot of its original appeal.


Season 3 is without a doubt the best season.


I more so don't see how he "righted" the wrongs, it's not like failing to mention them in the finale means they didn't exist.




I agree. Why abandon a show if you've a clear picture in your head? He created the base for an amazing show. My opinion on shows like DC consists of words worthy of an extremely angry Joey Potter:D The 1st season was sweet and charming. The 2nd season was sweet funny and interesting. 3rd-6th had everything(and more) the crappy shows have but I love the characters(they aren't perfect). Hands down I'm on team Pacey/Joey when it comes boyfriend/girlfriend. The chemistry between Katie and Josh was brilliant.
I LOVE the innocence purity and sweetness of the friendship Joey and Dawson. I know they slept together. It's unavoidable. As boyfriend/girlfriend they always end up hurting each other but as friends they rock.
