Whedon's 4:3 vs 16:9 AR

I do not understand why some prefer the original 4:3(1.33) AR SD over the 16:9(1.78) WS HD-720p/1080p.
I have watched the 4:3 SD in the highest quality media on an HD TV screen about eight years ago and now I just started a re-watch in HD-WS-720p; I much prefer this HD-WS version. It is not stretched or cropped, the quality is excellent and much better in my opinion to Whedon's 4:3 original intended ratio.


same with the waltons the 1080p copy is much better only the movies are SD on my PC downloaded these take about 500gb Buffy and Waltons in 1080p 250 gb each I am going get a 14tb hdd soon.
my 8tb only has 1.5 tb left with so much tv lol
