It sucks that college was glossed over in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and even Angel: The Series. But, considering Joss's views towards college, I'm not really all that surprised. I can't remember where I heard this from (on this board, I know but can't remember the user) but doesn't Joss Whedon not have much respect for college/university?
I recall someone mentioning he got Buffy out of college right after Season 4 so she could deal with "real life problems." To me, this is kinda disrespectful to say, though. In terms of psychological theory, college (specifically undergrad) is a great scaffold for Emerging Adulthood. I.E. That time when you're no longer a child but still becoming a full-fledged adult. It's a huge developmental milestone where you're given true responsibility but you're also allotted a great deal of "training wheels." Those training wheels come off the more ready you are, making the transition know, unless you're loans run out.
For me, I'd say college was the time I finally felt like I WAS dealing with "real life problems." Paying bills, managing my own schedule, dealing with consequences, motivating myself to accomplish my goals. To me, that's what being an adults all about. Thus, it's as real as any life experience. What Buffy went through in Season 6 was certainly the grittier part of real life but that's not to say it was any more real than what Season 4 Buffy had to go through.