MovieChat Forums > Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) Discussion > Who's your LEAST favorite character and ...

Who's your LEAST favorite character and how would you fix them?

As the title says. Who irked you the entire series? Which character got under your skin or felt useless or just gave you the perception that they made the show worse by being present?

Then, how do you feel you'd make the character better? Not simply removing them from the show but making them more...



Willow. I'm sorry guys but I always hated her


Xander was my least favorite character. I just hated how much he questions Buffy. Sometimes he was right of course, but I feel like he let personal prejudices get in the way. Of course, who doesn't on occasion, but I just think he could have done it a little less.

And another one I didn't really like a lot was Kennedy. I would have changed her attitude. I think she was a bit too abrasive sometimes and I thought her relationship with Willow was cringe-worthy. It didn't seem natural to me at all and it felt awkward.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


I would have killed off Dawn, Tara and the Slayers in training


This will likely be a VERY unpopular opinion but.....Jenny Calendar.

It's not that I didn't like her but she just felt very...."blah" to me. She added nothing to the story beyond being either a plot device or a love-interest for Giles. We needed SOMEONE to get the Angel story moving, right? So, why not that one character we barely use for anything other than Giles banter. Oooh, and we need a character to kill off to show how dangerous Angelus is......Hey, let's kill off that one character we already do little with. That way, we can get the feels but nothing really changes!! *looks to the future treatment of Quicksilver in another Whedon production*

I'd fix Jenny by giving her more characterization early on. Make her as integral to plots as Cordelia. Y'know, not a core member but also something noteworthy. I'd also NOT have her killed off until later in Season 2.



Either Harmony or Andrew.

Fix Andrew: Have Jonathan kill Andrew, and Jonathan helps the scoobies out the rest of season 7.

Fix Harmony: Have Harmony become an actual badass instead of the annoying high schooler she started out as. We already saw how Willow and Xander became totally different after becoming vamps. Also, she should have been staked by the end of the season. Her storyline got dragged out way too long.

Formerly known as "Greenmandms"


Angelus' vampire lackeys in Release. I'd have them be actual threats rather than groupies.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Andrew. The whole trio actually. I don't know that they could be fixed. Andrew didn't deserve any redemption arc. He should also be removed from the comics.


Dawn--never have brought her on


Jonathan and Amy, both were unpopular characters, but Jonathan had more background with the scoobies...



I'd have him stop being such a douche

Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper.....


Willow - Her sudden change from dorky intelligent to quirky chipper really annoyed me. Sometime in season 2 i'd say that happened and at full force in seasons 3-5. She definitely grew up for the last two seasons but by then the damage was already done, for me. Her voice... HER VOICE, HER DAMN NASALLY VOICE!!! Alyson Hannigan does not talk through her nose that much, it was all Willow.
