Buffy vs Charmed

This is what it comes to, at the end of days...

"So shines a good deed in a weary world"
-The Candyman


buffy. no questions raised.


No one ever wrote a book called the Quotable Charmed.


Harry Potter!

That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, bingo!


As a show: Buffy

In a fight: The Charmed Ones WITH Prue (sorry Paige, but your sisters SUCKED)

In a cooking contest: Piper while her sisters watch or talk about guys or

In a fashion show: Buffy with that halter she's patrolled in many times

In charades: Buffy (she did so well when those bad, smiling men took her voice)

In continuity: Trick question. Charmed HAS no continuity.

In comic-book series: Ironically enough, Charmed. THAT'S where the continuity was hiding.

Best hair: Trick question. The Winchesters of Supernatural win.

Best final season: Buffy, sadly. Charmed: Season 8 was a CRIME!!

In Spin-offs: Ha!! Charmed's spin-off was cancelled before Season 8 finished because Charmed: Season 8 was a CRIME!!

In location: Buffy. I feel like I saw more of Sunnydale than I did of San Fransisco AND SUNNYDALE ISN'T A REAL PLACE!!!.........San Fransisco's a real place, right??

In message board activity: I'll let that one speak for itself...(*whispers* shade)



Definitely Buffy. I love both shows and had a big crush on Alyssa Milano but I think 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' was the best out of the two shows.😃


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As if Alyssa Milano or anyone else would ever want your fat, ugly ass.


I loved the first season of Charmed. The second season was okay and the third still watchable. But none of it can top the first three seasons of Buffy.


Very different shows with different approaches. Buffy was a little more subversive (as far as mainstream TV goes anyway) and had the quick one liners and quirky characters.

Charmed was a lot more mainstream romance/relationship based.




Buffy. Charmed was too soap operaesque for me.
