"Gender and LGBT equality" means the same rights for men and women, homosexuals and heterosexuals.
That's only part. It also means not targeting one group. Defunding planned parenthood targets women, as they are the majority of the customers who need those services. Whether men are affected is irrelevant. Women are the ones being hit.
Like I said, shutting down a service that mostly caters to African Americans would be unequal, even if it's a service whites don't use or whites don't have.
Equality doesn't mean some zero sum game where no one can have something if everybody doesn't also use it. It's not about, you can't have something if don't use it. Especially when it comes to health care.
As you pointed out, this order will also affect men, even if they're only 10%.
Irrelevant. As I also pointed out, they're targeting abortion. Strictly a woman's issue. Sadly, those men are caught in the wake. But it's women that are being targeted. That's inequality.
It just happens to be that women are the only ones who can undergo an abortion.
Bingo. And Trump and his supporters know that. They are purposefully targeting a service only women use. They are taking away women's right to choose what they do with their bodies. And in this, they've hit lesbian and transgender women as well.
Protected status (or a lack of) does not indicate when someone's being treated unequal or not.
Taking away services provided to a protected status does.
And I'm sure that many of these women have husbands who are also affected.
I'm sure there are plenty who don't have a husband. Irrelevant. It's not their body. Again, we don't need to worry about men when discussing women's issues.
If we were discussing male circumcision, I wouldn't worry how it affects women.
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