Three Wishes

If you could have three wishes granted, what would they be?
There are some rules, however:

1)You can't mess with life or death
2)You can't make anyone fall in or out of love
3)You can't wish for more wishes

Mine would be:
That we could all live in peace.
An end to poverty.
??? I don't know what my final wish would be, when I think of it, I'll let you know.


Today I have grown taller from walking with the trees. -Karl Baker



1.become a size 9 overnight and no matter how much I eat stay the same weight.
(I know that size 9 is a bit on the heavy side, but I like thick bodies instead of skinny ones)

2.become rich overnight

3.have good health for me and my family


Size 9 is a bit on the heavy side? *beep* u. My wishes would be mo money, mo money, money j/k. To always be remembered, to have lot's of money, to always have attention when I want it.

