Disney Channel Movie

Im not sure but I think this was a Disney Channel origional movie. But whatever. Its really cool. I like Alexia's character, I think I kinda look like her also, we have the same face, but not hair. Anyways why did the disney channel stop playing this movie? I think its really cool.



I loved ALL those movies!! It's amazing to find someone who's *actually* seen "Teen Witch." I am a HUGE Disney Channel fan, and their older movies are really great. It's a shame they never air them anymore...

*Who knows where thought come from...they just appear*


They sometimes play Teen Witch on HBO, I saw it on the T.V. guide one time and immediatly grabbed the free video cassette and taped it. now I can watch it anytime I want.







At first I thought that "Wish Upon a Star" was an original Disney movie b/c it was always on the Disney channel. But tonight I was watching the video of it and there's a couple of parts that I don't remember in the Disney channel version that were a little suggestive.

"Life can be so randomly beautiful"



Wish Upon a Star [and teen witch], is not a Disney Channel Original Movie. They were Wish Upon a Star was an independant film. I have it on DVD..

the parts cut out are...
->the part where Hayley and Caitlin are watching Alexia kiss in her jeep and they say "Do you think they've..done it"
->when Alexia as Hayley notices her sister's hickey she says "who the hell did this?!"
->when Alexia as Hayley dresses in the pleather costume, there's more to her dance that Disney cut out. In the Disney channel version she starts the tape and gets on the table and it immediatly cuts to Ms. Mittermonster stopping the tape. Also, in the dance part Hayley as Alexia pushes her way through the crowd and drags Kyle by the collar and pulls him up to the table her sister is dancing on.. and says "oooh kyle, you're such a good kisser! gimme another hickey baby!" and she goes down on him, and starts making out. That's why they both end up in the principals office, and that's where the line "you're practically mauling my boyfriend in the cafeteria, what are you gonna lose my virginity too?" comes from, if you were ever confused about that line.
-->i don't know why this was cut out, but in the scene where the principal is talking to their parents, it starts out by her saying something like "the little one danced seductively on the table.." or something, and in the disney version they just began the scene with the mom saying "It was quite the getup, wasn't it?"

Alright! well, I think that's all they cut out. I love this movie, clearly I've seen it so many times on Disney to notice what they cut. hahah Oh! I just remembered one..

--> when they first notice they've switched and are in the bathroom screaming, Hayley as Alexia, squeezes her [Alexia's] boobs, and Alexia as Hayley hits her hands off. i laughed out loud at that part.. shame all the funny stuff has to get cut.

Annnnyway.. hope this helps :)


A bunch of that stuff is really funny!


Actually i think they banned some of those movies. They banned Wish Upon a Star because it said the word virgin in it, and Teen Witch has that scene where they make out in that old house. Susy Q and Hocus Pocus have some other sexual content i think. Maybe not so appropriate for immature seven year olds.


for once i wish disney played the good movies instead of the cartoons they play


those are my favorite movie, susie q, teen witch, wish apon a star, and hocus pocus, i wish we could start a petition to play those movies again on disney, or something like that!


yes, it is not an actual disney movie, but it was stilled played on disney channel.


Actually I remember all those scenes mentioned earlier airing on the Disney channel. Of course, that was back in, like, 1998 when Disney was just a tad less uptight about things like that.

You smell like old people and soap. I like it.


I remember!


Teen witch is on DVD...I recently bought it.

"If you like what you saw then come back next week, if you don't your a dumb loser,internet geek!"

