MovieChat Forums > A Very Brady Sequel (1996) Discussion > What's the 'Chainstick scene'?

What's the 'Chainstick scene'?

I read in the alternate versions section of this page about a chainstick scene put back into the DVD, and i was just wondering what that was. I'm only 14, and I saw this in theaters but I was 6, so I really don't remember any extra scenes.


Are you from the United States? Because they have the scene included. It is only in Britain where they cut the scene out.

Britian has this thing about numchuks (two pieces of wood connected by a chain used to hit people) and headbutts (using your head as an attacking device). They don't like those two things in movies and will cut them out of movies.

The "chainstick" (in America they are called nunchaka or numchuks) scene is when Trevor gives Peter Brady the numchuks as a gift and then Peter takes them to his Dad's work. While his Dad is talking to him about architecture, Peter gets bored and starts swinging the numchuks and carelessly cracks the numchuks off the top of Mike's boss's head. It was hilarious.




As a Brit,I remember one of the Pink Panther movies having a scene cut with Clouseau twirling a pair of nunchucks during a fight with Cato. However the nunchuck scene in Very Brady Sequel is very much intact on my Brit DVD version - (I'm pretty sure the Brady sequel didn't even get a cinematic release over here, going straight to video instead.)
