Why did Roy...(spoiler)

I don't understand why "Roy" kidnapped Carol and took her with him to Hawaii. When he tied up the family, he could have just tied up Carol as well and left with the statue. I doubt the whole family would have followed him there if he hadn't taken Carol. So he would have gotten his 20 million dollars.

I mean, how stupid could he be? On top of it, he kept complaining about how annoying it was to be around the Bradys, and yet he himself prolonged it by kidnapping one of them for NO REASON.

Am I missing something, or is he just a really dumb criminal?


He took Carol to keep the others from following, figuring that by the time they called the cops, he'd be too far away. He never fully realized (like everyone around the Bradys) that the Brady's stick together, no matter what.

Mama always said sex is like a box of chocolates, the ones with the cherries are better.



I thought she was insurance against anyone calling the police on him (they already knew his real name and background so it would have been easy to have the police intercept him). Tying them up was just more comedic fun.

He didn't count on a direct rescue (or Carol's ingenuity at escaping while she was offscreen for 10 seconds).


Thanks for the responses. I guess that makes sense, although I don't see why he would expect the family NOT to call the police or chase after him. They knew he had a gun and could kill Carol after getting his money, so what good would it do them to just sit around and wait?

Funny movie though.


He played on the fact that the Bradys were overly sensitive to the idea of violence and even the slightest expletives. He expected them to heed his warning and be too afraid to go to the police; and Roy didn't count on the Bradys being smart enough to track him. It's a point in the story that pokes more fun at Peter being thought of as such a great detective in the television series.


> It's a point in the story that pokes more fun at Peter being thought of as such a great detective in the television series.

Bobby was the detective.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
