This movie was awful.
I can't believe that some people actually have the audacity to claim that this is better than Into The Storm. Are you kidding me right now?
My expextations were set high because of the good reviews. Mind you, I watched this AFTER I saw Into The Storm. And the entire movie I kept asking myself "this is better?".
The special effects were awful. At one point the tornado looked like something taken straight from a cartoon. Especially the ones that were above water. The effects in Into The Storm were WAY more realistic looking.
The dialogue/acting was actually quite laughable. I've seen better acting on lifetime. Hell, I'd go as far to say that Jodi Arias was a better actress on the witness stand. WAY more believable than the people in this movie. "I cant talk Julia, we have cows". LOL are you serious. Who the *beep* says that? We have cows!
Into The Storm had a relatively engaging story, visually pleasing effects, decent actors....everything that Twister LACKED. I cant believe that some actually prefer Twister over ITS.
Into The Storm 7/10
Twister 3/10