Guilty Pleasure...

This film is one that, for me, if I come across it in the guide on AMC or whatever channel, I have to stop what I'm doing immediately and put it on.

I know that there are others that do the same thing but it's the damndest impulse, having to watch this movie. So bad yet so good at the same time. Love it!



Yeah I'm with you. Saw this movie in theater years and years ago and still love it.


I bought in on VUDU when it went on sale for $5. I love watching it, and it's something the kids have fun with, too.


Kind of a dumb story but it still has great special FX and quite an impressive cast obviously willing to hang out together for awhile.🐭


Ditto. Watching it now. Every 10 mins I'm saying to my wife "this is soooo stupid" but Lord knows how much I love it.
Phillip Seymour Hoffman is the best always


Couldn't agree more. Has been my #1 guilty pleasure movie for years.
