The backstory to the 'I'd never eat here anyway' Trent diner quote
During the director commentary, Liman (or Mirrone, I don't remember) said that the "I'm the Azzhole??" line when Trent is standing up in the diner was actually after the scene was supposed to cut. He was yelling at someone off camera who had rolled their eyes at his ad-libbing.
This explains why the line doesn't make sense. Obviously, if you are eating in a place, you can't tell someone "I'd never eat here". But if you are just an actor yelling at the owner or a worker in a diner you are filming in, it might make sense.
So that makes me very curious - how tense was the filming of the diner scene to make Vaugn go off like that? Obviously someone called him an "azzhole" for him to respond like that. I thought they were friends with the diner owners (and why would the owners or workers interject themselves into the shooting process anyway?). But - if Vaughn is just yelling at one of the film crew, why would he say he would never eat there? That seemed like a personal dig at someone... So it doesn't make sense to me.
Anyone have further details from behind the scenes that can clarify this?