Metal Gear Solid

I watched this film when I was a kid, now I watched it again and I must say, there are amazing similarities with the popular video game: Metal Gear Solid.

*Highly skilled rogue soldiers take control of an island with hostages and missiles to negotiate with the government for money.

*They both call a retired elite soldier for the work, for MGS it was Solid Snake and for The Rock it was John Mason. They both are stellar in stealth and infiltiration. Mason is considerably older than Solid Snake; but he looks exactly like Snake's father, Big Boss(which means he also looks like Solid Snake, since he's Big Boss' clone)

*Snake and Mason accomplish their jobs with the great help of intelligent; but non-combatant, geeky scientists: Goodspeed and Emmerich. In time, they both become friends with them.

*Both operations starts with infiltirations under water.

*Main villains are both legendary soldiers, also both being blonde and with blue eyes. They both feel betrayed by their governments, although Liquid Snake is a much more sinister villian than Hummel.

*At the end, both protagonists(Mason and Snake) go back to retirement and dissapear.

I know The Rock came out before MGS1; but I think MGS1 was already in development when The Rock was released. So I don't know which one was inspired from one another. It's strange to think both really similiar setups was just a coincidence.


Metal Gear was several movies thrown in a blender and out came Metal Gear. Metal Gear series creator is a huge fan of American Action movies and used various different ideas to create the idea of Metal Gear. Metal Gear 1 and 2 were heavily influenced by Escape from New York, Terminator, Rambo, ect. Even several characters likenesses were based on real actors for example Solid Snake's look in MG1 was based on Clint Eastwood (cover art based on Micheal Biehn) and in MG2 it was based on Kevin Costner. Big Boss was based on Sean Connery and Campbell based on the Colonal from Rambo.

When it came around to Metal Gear Solid 1 that game was heavily influenced by this movie. The premis and idea came from this movie along with several other movies (including Good, Bad, The Ugly).
