Sure was enjoyable - it was like a mini Olympics. Very entertaining, don't judge a kung-fu flick for deep meanings. It was fun watching the American boxer remark how China was "moving like an animal - like a snake" since the 1920's probably did not see many martial artists!
The Quest does not exactly = Bloodsport because the later was based on the life and times of Frank Dux, but Frank and Jean-Claude collaborated on The Quest, so both movies are certainly cut from the same cloth.
My heart went out to the American fighter who realises his gentelmanly boxing skills were no match for the brawling, viscous life and death fighting styles encountered at the match. On the other hand, if the rules were changed to Western Boxing, how many fighters would have had a chance against a world champion boxer? Japan? Nope - easy knock out blows to the head. Spain? No, his feet were his biggest advantage. China, as much as I love the styles of snake, monkey, etc. he could not go toe to toe and take a big punch like a seasoned pro fighter.
Anyway, cool premise to show off different countries styles, nice photography and exotic locations - could have used a better love interest/triangle and a touch of nudity, the female kind, might have helped too.