MovieChat Forums > Primal Fear (1996) Discussion > So this might have been asked before mul...

So this might have been asked before multiple times but ...

... Disregarding all the discussions about how realistic it was that Ed Norton's character could have been able to hatch such an elaborate plot I wonder: If they declare you so insane that you are capable of killing somebody with 78 knife stabs how on earth is there even the remotest possibility that they would release you to the public ever again?
I think it is preposterous to assume that the condition he is faking could be treated with some doses of aspirin for a few weeks and then they let you go.


At what point in the movie was he to be released?


Richard Gere says that he'll be out of the psych institution within a month. The judge says to take it up with the legislators, not her. I forgot to ask that question in my post, thanks OP!
