Absolutely. Norton gets the praise (as he should) because his part is the showiest in the film. Gere's performance is very subtle and nuanced. And, also Laura Linney is almost never mentioned even though she is superb in it. It was her first major, leading role and yet she held her own against Gere every step of the way. Her natural intelligence clearly showing during her courtroom scenes. And, to the last poster: you said (about Norton) only getting praise for playing dual roles and not how well. I'm sorry, but Norton was brilliant in his every scene. Look back and try to remember the first time you saw this film and answer honestly: did you not believe, until the very end that Aaron Stampler was just as Norton played him: awkward, shy, simple-minded boy with some psychological problems (whether amnesia or later on a multiple personality disorder)? I sure did. And if you agree, it means that the actor did his job well. I happen to think he should have won his Oscar that year.