
Why can't modern actors get the hang of wearing them? They look so awkward and self-conscious. They're subliminally ill-at-ease wearing hats, and it comes through. Men of the 1990s just can't wear hats with any kind of panache. Even soldiers wearing army hats or caps can't get them right. They look like I remember recruits looking the first few weeks after being drafted. In a month or so, they lose that "green" look and get the hang of wearing their caps--jaunty and casual. Maybe if today's actors wore a hat regularly for a break-in period they'd overcome that obvious greenhorn look.


I was watching this movie today and noticing the same thing. Michael Madsen comes closest to wearing his fedora with panache. But then he has a retro look anyway. I can see him playing the kind of roles Ralph Meeker used to play.

"The night was sultry."


I loved the way the squad dressed in this movie.


Same with smoking. You can always spot actors who don't really smoke. They seem awkward and self-conscious.


As Frank Sinatra sang, “A hat’s not a hat till it’s TILTED.”

This movie is 1 of 3 entertainment titles I know that are about LA’s infamous police Hat Squad. The other 2 are Gangster Squad and the TV series, The Hat Squad. You may notice that “hat” should have been a very important concern in these projects.

One other point of sartorial order: a gentleman REMOVES HIS HAT when he steps indoors. That is not negotiable. Ladies get to wear hats indoors. Gentlemen are not.

An important aside: to be a gentleman, you must first be A MAN, not a pussy.
