Holy t!ts, Batman!

Are you f@cking kidding me? Those t!ts are insane! They should be in the T!ts Hall of Fame

And the rest of her is amazing as well. Except that she lost those t!ts somehow, ever since this movie. Does anyone know where they went, and more importantly, how she can get them back?


 Great film 


Whooaah there.


Jennifer Connelly's breasts have kind of cycled in size throughout her career, getting bigger, smaller and then bigger again. My guess is she's one of those women who gain/lose weight in their breasts easily due to hormones, weight or whatever.

Amanda Seyfried is another example of this phenomenon.

But Jennifer seems to kind of be at maximum inflation in this picture compared to others, although watching it recently I was kind of convinced she was going out of her way to exaggerate them.




Outrageous (.)(.)

Absolutely in the hall of fame.


1990s Jennifer Connelly is the best damn Jennifer Connelly.
