Is Pete really "made" up in Fred's mind????
It seems to be a popular belief that Pete is a "made up" character in Fred's mind, as "he envisiones himself as a young man" but envisioning doesn't have to mean MADE UP now does it? Just some food for thought, I added this on a different thread but figured it deserved it's own:
-If inspired by the OJ Simpson trial, who was found with Jessica?
-Who is sleeping around with "Alice" in various sleazy motels?
-Who's Prints are found "all over the place"?
-Who's doing the "cheating" in the second half?
-Where is "Dick Laurent" killed?
-What happened "that night" that would be so horrible to Pete's parents?
-Where does Pete both disappear and get picked up at???
-Where is the wound on Pete's head??
Lynch has said numerous times that everything in this film happens FOR REAL, so what do you think that means in relation to Pete???
Oh I travel, a sort of licenced troubleshooter.