
When is this film going to be released on Bluray in the US? The DVD version is terrible quality!! Mulholland Dr. is coming out on Bluray in October 2015, Lost Highway is in desperate need of a US Bluray release!


Just order the Australian, French or Japanese one until the US Blu ray comes out.


What makes you say the DVD is terrible quality? I assume you're speaking of the R1 Universal, right? That's the only release (even including the foreign blu rays) which is actually faithful to how the film looks in 35mm in the theater. LH had an extremely dark look -- seen most obviously in the shots of the Madison home corridors -- which might be impossible for any DVD to fully 100% recreate, but the Universal comes extremely close, and has solid sharpness and good black levels. The R2 or other releases, on the other hand, are ridiculously bright, all the colors out of whack, with some night scenes almost seeming like day. I think the Universal disc is a great transfer, especially for a 2008 DVD... but of course I'd love a new and even better edition, preferably a Criterion like Mulholland Drive and Eraserhead (both lovingly packaged releases), but anything good will do.


the universal dvd is not bad at all. i agree. but they might have been referring to that really old pos dvd which was cropped. i cant remember which company put it out. but i too am hoping for criterion to release this. i think there is a pretty good chance it will happen sometime in the near future with the same type of packaging used for eraserhead and mulholland dr.
of course david lynch will have to supervise the transfer.


As already stated, the Universal DVD is good for the reason that it was colour graded by David Lynch, but whats really needed is a Lynch supervised bluray release of Lost Highway.
