I actually like your modification of the wine analogy. I don't mind how you stated it, you respect my position and I yours. My problem with the original wine analogy is this: I say I am "not an action person myself." What that means is, admittedly, I don't tend to enjoy action films when I see them as much as I would, say, drama or comedy. What it does NOT mean is that I am inexperienced with action and don't have an ability or right to post about it. So the wine tasting thing is just a little off. I have seen plenty of action and studied it just as much as most other genres, and besides, regardless of that, this is an opinion board and I'm just sharing mine. I did not do it in a way so as to offend anyone who liked the movie, and actually went out of my way to be sure no one thought that was what I was doing. So if some people can't deal with others disliking movies they like, that's too bad. You shouldn't need that kind of affirmation. Watch whatever you want and, like "paranoid dysfunction" so wisely said, if you are a cheap whiskey person, then enjoy your cheap whiskey.
Everybody fights, nobody quits. If you don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself.